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What an honor it is to be able to work with so many wonderful families in and around the East Village, one of the most eclectic and close-knit communities in New York City – a true neighborhood!  It’s hard to believe it’s been 23 years – I have loved every minute of it.

I feel my arrival at 93 St. Marks Place in 2001 was a fortuitous one, and it makes me happy to think that it was exactly 100 years after Sara Curry arrived here in 1901. I feel very connected to the “Little Missionary,” who founded the school at the turn of the century. Because I, too, have a mission to help children and families. My mission is to teach children to understand their feelings and the feelings of others, and to help parents to value the healthy expression of emotions in the family.

The most important factor in a child’s life – the thing that either makes a child a happy successful individual, or a frustrated unfulfilled person – is the state of their emotional health. Our goal at Little Mish is to create a space where children can learn to manage conflicts and express negative feelings in positive ways. In this healthy environment children can be creative, constructive, and collaborative.

We are also building community at our school. Parents need support, and we provide parent workshops and other opportunities for like-minded people to come together in a positive and nurturing environment. It is my privilege and joy to be there for anyone who needs help and to create a little world where children can feel safe and free to be themselves.

Eileen Johnson, School Director


Eileen is the school Director.  She is the author of:  The Children’s Bill of Emotional Rights, published by Jason Aronson. Emotional Education, published by Avaline Press, co-author of: What Happens When You Die: Three and Four-Year-Olds Talking about Death.   Her most recent book is:

Ten Steps to an Emotionally Healthy Child